Community News
Newsletter of the Community Campaign (Hart)
Issue 13, Winter 2013
Local Development Planning (LDP)
Our last newsletter focused on our concerns about the extent of,
and the proposed locations for, the new housing developments
which were at the time being put forward in Hart’s Local
Development Plan (LDP). In particular, we were most concerned
about the 450 houses which were being suggested for the Grove
Farm site. This development would have coalesced Netherhouse
Moor and Crookham Village into one mass of housing. In doing so
it would have removed a rich bio-diverse ‘green lung’, which is
highly valued, being the transition into the countryside from
the town of Fleet.
We made it a pledge of our 2012 Hart District election campaign
that if we could win enough seats, along with the independents,
so that between us we would hold the balance of power, then we
would use this influence to have Grove Farm removed from the
LDP. We duly won two additional seats; with Tony Clarke winning
in the Crondall ward and John Bennison coming back to join us on
the Council by his win in Fleet Courtmoor. Combined with Alan
Oliver, an Independent winning in Fleet West, we did gain
sufficient numbers to exert significant influence on the LDP
Straight after the election, we set to work talking with
officers about how to re-distribute the 450 houses from Grove
Farm fairly around the district. This is when Hart dropped the
bombshell that due to the evolving situation, the plan was
inherently short of another 550 homes of which an additional 350
were being targeted at the Fleet and Church Crookham area. So,
we were faced with the horrific prospect of identifying suitable
locations in Fleet and Church Crookham for a total of 800 houses
once Grove Farm was taken out of the plan.
With the mandate from the electorate to support us, we were able
to negotiate effectively. From being faced with 800 additional
new houses, Fleet ended up just taking an additional 150 homes
in the town centre (to be found mainly with the redevelopment of
redundant office blocks). Unfortunately the huge step in housing
numbers to be allocated meant that it was not possible to
relocate the 175-house expansion of the Edenbrook development.
In the circumstances, to have removed the 450 units on Grove
Farm from the plan and to have diverted most of the 350
additional houses to locations fairly spread around the
district, is a major achievement. We could not have done this
without the mandate from the electorate and we have to thank all
those who voted for the Community Campaign in May 2012 for
having put your trust in us.
However, this is not the end of the matter and there may still
be some jeopardy. The Local Development Plan will need to be
‘tested for soundness’ in an Examination in Public (EiP) during
the first half of 2013. Any developer who is unhappy with the
proposed site locations will be trying to demonstrate that the
plan is ‘unsound’ in order to promote their own site. It is down
to the government appointed planning inspector to determine if
the plan is sound or not. We are hopeful that the process and
evidence base which underpin the evolution of the LDP are sound
and that they can be successfully defended at the EiP. The
Community Campaign will be attending the EiP to support the LDP
in its current form. Should the EiP determine that Hart are
required to take a more aggressive housing figure then some very
difficult decisions will be forced upon us.
Numerical breakdown of Hart Council
As can be seen from the pie chart below, the election of May
2012 left no political party with overall control of Hart
District Council (HDC). The Community Campaign were emphatic
that our ideal solution would be for an inclusive administration
which was proportionally representative of the make-up of the
council as a whole. Unfortunately despite lengthy negotiations,
it was not possible to persuade the Conservative group to agree
to work with the Lib Dems in the interest of Hart residents.
While it is true that both of the national parties were willing
to work individually with the Community Campaign, we were
adamant that we would only be prepared to pledge support for an
administration that embraced the strengths of all the groups.
What was clear from the election result in which Tony Clarke and
John Bennison for the Community Campaign Hart (CCH) and Alan
Oliver as an Independent won decisive victories based on the
total rejection by the electorate of development on Grove Farm –
was that whoever ended up running the council needed to pledge
to remove the Grove Farm site from the LDP. This was going to be
necessary because with no one group holding a majority and with
the CCH and Independents firmly aligned, the Local Development
Plan (LDP) was not going to get voted through a meeting of the
full council if the site was still included. Any new
administration therefore had both a moral and practical
imperative to take account of the strength of local feeling.
In order that a workable solution could be found, the CCH let it
be known that we would not support any motion to try to force
the Tory council leader to resign, provided he pledged to
support the removal of the Grove Farm site from the LDP. In
addition, in order to ensure the stability of the Council, the
CCH would want a guarantee that the new administration would
keep all parties fully engaged in the decision making process.
It is a universal facet of human nature that a lack of
information breeds suspicion and mistrust. It is fair to say
that since May, Hart’s Cabinet and senior officers have gone out
of their way to keep all members informed and tightly coupled
into the decision making process.
So far, this openness has allowed business at Hart to progress
effectively. The inclusive nature of information sharing has
resulted in a far more open and consensual process than we could
have achieved if the CCH had sided with one main party or the
other to form a coalition administration.
There will be another full municipal year (starting in May)
before the all up elections of June 2014 which have been brought
on by boundary changes. So, it is unlikely that there will be a
significant change in the political balance for another 18
months. However, the current council cohesion would be tested if
the Examination in Public (EiP) on the Local Development Plan
(LDP) was to find the plan unsound.
QEB update
The planning application by Taylor Wimpey (TW) to build a
further 100 high density houses on the part of the QEB dedicated
to employment usage was thrown out by Hart’s planning committee
in June. TW did as expected and appealed the decision. Once
again the Community Campaign has made a submission to the
Planning Inspectorate and will be attending the appeal hearing
to give evidence. The public hearing was to have been held in
January but the Secretary of State has ruled that TW’s
environmental statement was inadequate and that it will need to
be re-written. The appeal is now expected to be heard in the
The main thrust of our argument is, as planners are keen to
emphasise, the importance of ‘sustainable’ development. Surely a
sustainable development is one which caters for the needs of the
people who will live there? This must mean including some form
of opportunity for local employment. TW seem somewhat insulated
from the hard economic reality of life. Generally, buying a
house requires the buyer to have a job to pay off the mortgage
and having a job usually means having a place to work.
The economic recovery in the UK is going to be reliant on small
specialist companies. So despite large modern office blocks
lying empty, successful small businesses still need somewhere to
base their operations.
It would seem prudent to stick with the plan to build small
light industrial and small office buildings to complement the
housing on the QEB. Without these, we are giving in to the
expectation that everyone either works from home, sits in a long
traffic jam, or stands on a crowded train to commute to work. If
we want to reduce traffic then having places of employment
co-located with new housing development must surely make a lot
of sense.
Replacing an area dedicated to providing local employment with
100 additional houses is rather short sighted and doesn’t seem
to fit in with what most people would consider to be
‘sustainable’ planning.
Village Report
by Tony Clarke

Starting a year back, it was clear that there was growing local
dissatisfaction with the draft Local Development Plan (LDP),
which at the time identified West Fleet and Grove Farm in
particular as the launch pad for new housing development in Hart
District. This meant that Crookham Village could soon become
absorbed into a ‘Greater Fleet’, losing its identity and
changing the unique landscape context forever.
After so much strain had been put on our local infrastructure by
one new housing estate after another, local people started to
realise that they had missed the significance and scale of this
threat – and mobilised quickly to address it on different
levels. At the May local elections residents on the countryside
fringe of Fleet, Crookham Village, Ewshot and Church Crookham
voted strongly for another way. Turnout of 65% in Crookham
Village was almost a national record.
So, I became one of 35 Hart District Councillors who make the
key decisions that affect some 89,000 residents across Hart. I
have taken a special interest in the evolving LDP and I am
pleased that it has improved to its current form.
Apart from the main Full Council meeting for all Councillors
held once a month, I am on the Planning Committee, which decides
certain developer and householder applications - and also the
Overview and Scrutiny Committee, to which all council
departments report when called to account.
In addition, I sit on the Planning Service Board, which inspects
the internal workings and budgets of the Planning department as
well as the new QEB Transport Contributions Steering Group,
which will decide how and where the £3m developer
contribution from Church Crookham will be spent to improve local
transport related infrastructure.
Crondall ward covers four Parish Council areas too, so I try to
keep in touch with local issues and attend their meetings when
possible. I am also the Hart representative to the North East
Hampshire Campaign to Protect Rural England. Beyond these
official duties, it is a pleasure to help local residents
realise that they can make a difference.
These have been important months for our villages. I have
learned a lot, with great support from the CCH group and I am
pleased to have been involved with such relevant matters that
affect our quality of life.
News round up
There are always lots of things happening that don’t, on their
own, warrant a dedicated article but which are nevertheless of
interest to local residents, hence this brief list.
QEB infrastructure: You can’t help but notice the new
pedestrian crossings on Aldershot Road, Reading Road South and
Gally Hill Road. These are being put in to provide safer
crossing places for local schools and are directly funded by the
developer, Taylor Wimpey (TW). They have been located where the
majority of school children are known to cross busy roads whilst
being in accordance with the ‘rules’ for highway safety. There
certainly have been teething issues, such as the ‘intelligent’
pedestrian sensing system installed at Hampshire Highway’s
request, which many find confusing with overly bright traffic
While intrusive roundabouts are being put in on Sandy Lane,
there are only minor junction upgrades planned for anywhere
else. There is, however, a £3m pot of money from TW to be
used for as yet ‘unspecified’ highways infrastructure. The
Community Campaign will continue to argue that this money should
be ring fenced to deal with the most significant impacts of the
development as they emerge. Unfortunately, this creates a
tension with others in Hart who would rather spend the money on
unrelated projects.
The CCH will continue to have lengthy discussions with TW and
their contractors about keeping open access to the established
pathways through the ancient woodlands and open grounds in and
around the site, over which people have enjoyed free access for
decades. Kissing gates suitable for wheelchairs and pushchairs
have been agreed for the main thoroughfares, especially those
which are used as routes to schools.
Schools: While everyone is delighted that there will be a
new school on site at the QEB, there is still concern about the
capacity of local schools both in the short term and the future.
Most year groups in the local primary and secondary schools are
full and often families moving into the area after the normal
enrolment date can end up finding themselves with a child being
bussed to distant schools. The expansion in capacity that comes
from the new school site on the QEB does not appear to be
sufficient to cope with the expected demand once the QEB is
fully built and on top of all this, there are the new homes
which will result from the implementation of the Local
Development Plan. At a County (Local Education Authority) level
and at a Hart District (planning) level, CCH councillors will
continue to lobby to try to ensure that local children are not
left short of local school places in the foreseeable future.
Farnborough Aerodrome: Despite getting an 85% increase in
allowed flight numbers, the Public Safety Zone (PSZ) has hardly
changed in size in response. The CCH are supporting those
demanding that the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) is transparent
in explaining how they have been able to bring about this
apparent improvement in safety statistics. At the same time, we
are also joining Farnborough Aerodrome Residents Association
(FARA) in asking that TAG include ‘Royal & Diplomatic’
flights within their flight quota. Currently such flights fall
outside of the provisions in the planning conditions which
underpin operations at the aerodrome. The CCH can see no
justifiable reason why a jet with a foreign dignitary on board
should be deemed as incapable of disturbing residents on the
Published by: Julia Ambler,
39 Du Maurier Close, Church Crookham, Hampshire, GU52 0YA