PRESENT:    James Radley  (Chairman)

                           Simon Ambler  (Vice Chairman)

                           Chris Axam      (Treasurer)

                           and 25 others.


Introduction by James Radley (Chairman): Welcome to the 7th A.G. M. and my apologies for the cancellation of the earlier date.


Apologies for absence were received.


The minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting held on 11th February 2010 were taken as read and agreed to be a correct recording of the meeting.


Queen Elizabeth Barracks:

There was a large scale map on display at the back of the room for members to view. James Radley  reported that the application which was submitted just before Christmas had been validated. There was a substantial amount of supporting documentation. James requested that members of the CCH look through any document on a topic that interested them and report anything which caused them concern.


Another Taylor Wimpey exhibition would be open for viewing by the public, on Thursday 10th and Saturday 12th February and James urged everyone who could to attend –it lets Taylor Wimpey know that we are still very interested. Main concerns would be traffic and schools. We are hand-tied re junctions; Hampshire County Council Highways officers say that junctions will work and the Inspector has agreed despite our challenges raised at the appeal that they will not work. Hampshire Highways are being typically inflexible in acknowledging that there could be real problems on local roads. Jenny Radley (County Councillor) is researching the traffic issues but as yet nothing has been changed. At a meeting yesterday our concerns were raised and we told them we were not happy. Taylor Wimpey has made £3 million available for other unspecified off-site highways schemes. The CCH  would like to see this money ring fenced to address problems as they arise but the Hampshire County Council would like it to be spent on unrelated Fleet Town Access Plan schemes.


Concern is also being expressed regarding the schools. Secondary schools are still a cause for concern. Recently children who have moved to live in the Reading Road South area are being bussed to Frogmore Community School in Yateley as there are no spare school places locally. This is even before the QEB is built –the situation is dire. Primary schools are also a problem. Just prior to Christmas there was a change of heart from Hampshire County Council. They instructed that the developer did not need to build a school on the site. They intend to expand the local schools instead, with no regard to the impact on traffic. The Taylor Wimpey (TW) model has always been for a school on site not for schools off site. T.W. had been told they must have a school – they were surprised by the lost appeal and now they are now treading very carefully. At the very least we need to protect the school site for longer than the usual 5 years. We think this is not adequate so will be arguing that 15 - 20 years would be more appropriate. We must not make the same errors as have previously been made. Community facilities –upside more to do with the Parish Councils –some sort of community centre, athletics track, etc. Football provision is OK within our area, mainly at Peter Driver site.

Time Scale: 4th March is the deadline for comments. The planning meeting is scheduled for 1st June 2011 in Harlington Centre.

The view of Hart Planners is that TW’s application is OK this time, although they said that last time – and the application was rejected at planning appeal.


A member asked if TW and Hampshire County Council (the local education authority) have agreed that they will build on Church Crookham Junior School. James Radley replied that TW have agreed a high educational contribution because Hampshire County Council recognize a major school capacity problem and is talking to local heads. A suitable alternative is to have an infant school on the QEB and expand the junior school into the former infant school site, as suggested by the local schools themselves. TW have given £13 million to Hampshire County Council for education.




Hart District Council is having to produce a 20 year plan called the Local Development Framework (LDF). In this plan Hart were to explain where they will build the 4400 new houses imposed by the previous Government. At the time of the AGM it looks as if the new coalition Government will allow local district councils to decide their own 20 year housing targets. Hart D.C. cabinet have decided to set the revised target number at 4,000 new houses. There has been poor consideration given to the infrastructure. Of the suggested 4000 new houses about 54% will be in Church Crookham and Fleet. QEB and Hitches Lane developments have already been taken into account. Hart's planning department invited landowners to offer their land as future development sites and from this the following are being considered; Fleet town centre for 200 new houses, 600 around Grove Farm and sites along Redfields Lane. The A287/Redfields Lane junction is so bad that no developments should be possible for Redfields Lane. Development south of Hitches Lane may be possible. Although there is a sizeable sum of money available to improve the junction at Redfields Lane a major scheme would be very expensive, much more than is available. A member raised from the floor the need for a new junction on Beacon Hill Road near to Tweseldown Road. James Radley replied that a more formal consultation would be coming so Community Campaign (Hart) members should be very interested in following this.


District Boundary Changes:

The Boundary Commission are currently reviewing the elected member make up of Hart District Council. As a third of Hart seats come up in different years they want to have 3 councillors representing every ward. Hence there would be one seat up for election per district ward each district election year. There are 35 elected district members at present, they want to reduce this to 33. This would allow for 11 district wards with 3 district members per ward. They are therefore looking at the re-jigging of the district boundaries from 17 district wards at present, down to 11. District members are elected for 4 year terms. The fourth year will is when the county council elections are held.


Parish Councils:

John Bennison reported that the shadow Church Crookham Parish Council has now  a  formally elected and constituted true Parish Council. Peter Driver Centre and QEB are quite big projects for the new P.C. The running track will be moving to the QEB site as there is no room for one at Peter Driver. The Athletics Club will also move to the QEB site.


Both Fleet and Elvetham Heath now have respectively a new town and parish council to represent then.



Outcome of the weekend planning appeal is not yet known. Rushmoor Borough Council is expecting a decision by the end of March. During winter months the airport is used less.

In response to a member's question as to “if the flight routing: has this changed?”; TAG set up a ‘’Quiet Flying’’ programme. A lot of work on ground noise – but it also flagged up the issue of over-flying. TAG are still operating the pilot scheme in which south-bound aircraft turn early to go over Beacon Hill, so reducing the number of aircraft flying over heavily residential  areas.  TAG is a commercial operator and they want to increase their business – if they get the agreement this year they are likely to be seeking a further opportunity to increase flight movements in 2019.  The concern is that as most of the airport is surrounded by residential buildings, their options for finding non-obtrusive flying routes are limited.


There were various queries on a range of topics raised from the floor which were answered by James Radley.


Elections:  All current executive position holders were re-elected having been unchallenged when proposed and seconded by members of the meeting.


There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.18 pm.